Mission Consulaire du Senegal in Atlanta!
Conformément à ses missions régaliennes, le Consulat général comptedéployer une mission consulaire…
Senegalese community for Aid and Self-Development is 501C non-profit organization platform that allows the community to connect in a more efficient manner. Despite the limited means of communication and financial resource weakness, the founders managed tremendous efforts and determination to overcome challenges.
We want to keep you well-informed and updated on our upcoming events. Our goal is to foster unity among people of all ages, and by staying connected with us, you’ll be at the forefront of all the exciting activities we have planned.
Conformément à ses missions régaliennes, le Consulat général comptedéployer une mission consulaire…
SENCAD is a 501C non-profit organization platform that allows
the community to connect in a more efficient manner. Despite
the limited means of communication and financial resource weakness, the founders managed tremendous efforts and
determination to overcome challenges.